Quack Ahoy!

Hello Friends,

The trees may be shedding their leaves, but we still sigh with yearnings for the recently lost summer.  The busy bees in WebHostFace didn’t need more than a few shy rays of light to bright the sky and decided it’s time to go out. Luckily, it was also the annual Charity Week here, so we managed to mix the fun moments outside with a little help for the noble causes that were supported. And believe me, there were many – from repairs in children homes to equipment for an eye surgery clinic, each of those causes were inspiring and significant and this put us right into that mood easily.

We chose an event, where we thought we would meet the most interesting people and have the best time. And there was one just for us – Rubber Duck River Race. We were all kids not so long ago so it was the perfect occasion to have a few more moments from that precious childhood. As it later turned out we could not have made a better choice – nice weather, lots of playful children running around like in a pinball machine and their parents trying to keep up – it was a great set up for a sunny afternoon in the end of dismal September. We quickly got into the spirit and soon had our hands around our proud WebHostFace Race Horse… pardon, Race Duck.


There were some delays and technical issues but no one seemed to care – everyone was here with friends and family and they were just enjoying themselves. It was really nice seeing all those happy faces and contagious children smiles and before we knew it, the ducks were ready to go!



Two huge cranes were the platform for the take-off of the rubber flock and after the siren sounded they were all flying (well not exactly flying, more like falling) under the bridge. The river soon turned yellow and the race became more and more intense – change of leaders, emergency pit stops (in the nearby bushes),  few rubber soldiers even drowned…or at least it looked like it 🙂 The encouraging shouts made the ducks show us their best and indeed they delivered – some of our beaked friends were so determined that they broke the safety net at the finish line and continued their sail in the unknown. We saluted in their honor and bid them farewell.



After a few hours in the soft autumn sun and over 500 ducks successfully getting to their destination, the children seemed tired (boy, was that a relief for their parents).



We left the event with a wonderful mood and  promised ourselves that this experience would be the first of many…


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