How to setup a mail server in OSClass

Sending out emails is something that you will definitely need in any kind of classifieds website and OSClass is no different. So the setup of the mail server is as simplified as possible and you have two options – to choose Custom Server or the Gmail Server. Here is how they work:

  • Log into your OSClass Dashboard
  • Go to Settings
  • Choose Mail Servers. You will see a page that looks like this:

OSClass Mail Settings

A/ Custom Server

cPanel Hosting from WebhostFace
  • Hostname: but it could be any domain or IP (localhost by default)
  • Server port: It depends on the protocol: POP3 – port 110, IMAP – port 143, SMTP – port 25, HTTP – port 80, Secure SMTP (SSMTP) – port 465, Secure IMAP (IMAP4-SSL) – port 585, IMAP4 over SSL (IMAPS) – port 993, Secure POP3 (SSL-POP) – port 995)
  • Username: Optional, only if you need server authentication
  • Passsword: Optional, only if you need server authentication
  • Encryption: SSL, TLS, or leave it blank
  • Check box for SMTP authentication check only if you’re sure what you’re doing
B/ Gmail Server

  • Hostname:
  • Server port: 465
  • Username: Your email username (ex. If your email is, the username is John)
  • Passsword: Your email password
  • Encryption: SSL
  • Check box for SMTP authentication should be checked

And practically that is it. You are ready to use the mail services and if you need any additional help regarding them, please contact us in our 24/7 Live Chat

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