How to add Meta data to my PrestaShop to improve Search Engine Optimization?

PrestaShop is one of the most popular e-commerce shopping carts mostly because of its easy-to-use back-end. Therefore, managing the Meta keywords, description, etc. is quite simple.
When adding products, categories, suppliers and manufactures in PrestaShop, there is a SEO field which allows you to enter Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords and usually Friendly URL . Search engines will be going through that information and display it in their result pages. Here are some guidelines on how you can add those helpful details:

  • The descriptive title must be related to the content and no longer than 70 characters.
  • The Meta Description should accurately describe the product and it should not be more than 160 characters long.
  • The Meta Keywords need to be descriptive and directly related to the product and its functions.
  • Last but not least is the Friendly URL. It always recommend to use catchy  URLs, containing related details to the product for example the product name.


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