How to cancel services from your account?

We never want to see anyone leave us but the sad reality is that plans and projects change and sometimes it is inevitable. This is why we wanted to make everything easy and fast for our clients instead of making it a nightmare for them to cancel.

You can cancel services with WebHostFace effortlessly from your Client area. Once you login you need to choose the Billing section. After you click on the Cancel Services button, you will be able to select the service you wish to cancel and click at the Request Cancellation button right next to it.  You will then be redirected to one of our representatives who will fulfill your request.

If you have cancelled a service, but you still want to keep it, you can contact us at any time for a reactivation.

Note: Not all services can be reactivated, after being cancelled. If you have any doubts, please contact us so we can best help you with your case.


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