How to set different product prices for different shopper groups in VirtueMart?

Setting different product prices for different shopper groups in VirtueMart is quick and effortless and can be done with a few easy steps:

  • Go to your Joomla Administrator panel -> Components -> VirtueMart.
  • Select the Products sub-menu in the Products menu on the left sidebar.
  • Choose the product you wish to set the different prices for.
  • In the top part of the Product Information tab you can enter for which shopper groups you wish this product appear – for all or at least the ones you are going to set different prices for.

  • Set the first price under Product pricing and set the shopper group for that price. Then Save.
  • Press the Add new price button.
  • Enter the next price in the new price field. Save. After that set the shopper group for that price as well. And Save again.
  • Do the same for every price and shopper group combination you wish to create, just remember to Save after every action.


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