There’s a slight confusion and a big difference between enclosing a string with ‘, ” or ` when using MySQL commands, in this article, we’ll cover the main difference.
‘Single Quotes’:
Single Quotes are used for enclosing string literals, like when making an INSERT statement the VALUES() should be enclosed with them, for example:
INSERT INTO `table_name` VALUES ('value1.1', 'value1.2'), ('value2.1', 'value2.2');
`Back Quotes`:
Back Quotes are used to escape table names when their names are reserved words in the usual MySQL syntax, like PASSWORD for example:
INSERT INTO `users` (`username`, `password`) VALUES ('user1', 'hashed_password');
The only necessary usage of the Back Quotes in the above example is around the password as it’s a reserved word.
“Double Quotes”:
The Double Quotes can be used to mimic the functionality of the previously mentioned two depending on the MySQL server configuration that’s set.
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