How to password protect a folder in cPanel

cPanel provides an option to password protect a specific folder on your account.

If you enable this feature, the system prompts users for an username and password when they attempt to view content in a protected directory.

To do so, simply go to Directory Privacy under the Files section and click the desired folder’s name to select it.

Make sure to select the Password protect this directory check box and enter a display label for the directory. Confirm by clicking Save.

Now you need to create an authorized user for that directory.

From the same menu in your cPanel enter the desired username in the Username field and assign a password of your choice to it, then click Save.

It’s as simple as that. The user you’ve just created is now listed in the Authorized Users section. If you no longer wish to grant him access, you can always remove him from that list.

If you want to remove the password protection on the folder, all you need to do is uncheck the Password protect this directory check box and click Save.


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