SSH zip command

One of the most used compression methods is zip archiving. On a Linux system, you can use the SSH zip command or the SSH unzip command to manipulate .zip files. In this article, we will show you how to easily use the Linux Zip Command with SSH to create archives.

Archive a single or several specific files using the SSH zip command

zip fileToArchive # single file

zip fileToArchive-1 fileToArchive-2 fileToArchive-3 # multiple files

Archive entire directory using SSH zip command

zip -r /path/to/directory

Excluding files when archiving with Linux zip command

zip -r /path/to/directory -x fileToExclude # Excludes just a single file

zip -r /path/to/directory -x *.fileFormat # Exclude all files of the given file format

Unzipping with SSH


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