What are domain records?

Domain records (DNS) are ways to connect different parts of your site or email to the outside world. The most common records are A, MX and CNAME.

A records determine where the website will be hosted. This means that if you change the A record of your domain, you only change the webhosing. To change the A record, simply put in the IP of the server on which you want to host the site from the management panel of your domain.

You can look-up the IP of your account with us from your Client Area > My Accounts > Manage.

MX domain records are responsible for the email hosting. If you only change the MX records, you will redirect where your email hosting is.

To use both our emails and web hosting, follow the guide How to check my DNS (nameservers) and point my domain name?.

*Note: Each time you change your domain name settings, you need to allow up to 48 hours for domain propagation. This means that the new domain name settings have to get updated within the cache of the servers all over the world. As this is a global process, there is no way of speeding it up. That is why we strongly recommend to keep the propagation in mind before changing any domain name settings.


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